Top trim with menu bar

This site has been defunct since 2005.

It remains here as a reminder of the “cutting edge” in 2003.

About this Site

Standards Compliance


[Physical Description|An 88x31 pixel
 image with W3C in black and blue on white background in the left
 third and 'XHTML 1.0' in black and grey on a yellow background to the
 right. A red tick appears on the extreme right.][Logical
 Description|Valid XHTML 1.0] The pages on this site conform to XHTML 1.0 Strict. You can test any page on this site for conformance with the W3C HTML Validation Service by clicking on the badge (above left) at the end of any page. Alternatively, you could just check this page as being representative.


[Physical Description|An 88x31 pixel image with W3C
 in black and blue on white background in the left third and 'CSS' in
 black on a yellow background to the right. A red tick appears on the
 extreme right.][Logical Description|Valid CSS] The pages on this site use Cascading Style Sheets, Level 2 and conform to the CSS2 Specification. You can test any page on this site for conformance with the W3C CSS Validation Service. Since this site has a single, site-wide stylesheet, you can simply check this page.

Dublin Core

Description|An 88x31 pixel image with orange background with the DCMI
logo in white on the left and the text 'Dublin Core Metadata' on the
right.][Logical Description|Enhanced with Dublin Core Metadata] The pages on this site use Dublin Core Metadata conforming to RFC 2731 (Encoding Dublin Core Metadata in HTML) using the Dublin Core Metadata Element Set, Version 1.1.

Browser Compatibility

Microsoft Internet Explorer

 Description|An 88x31 pixel image with white background bearing the
 blue 'e' logo for Internet Explorer, with black text 'Tested with:'
 above and 'Internet Explorer' right. The digits 4, 5, and 6 appear in
 an animated sequence.][Logical Description|This site has been tested
 with Microsoft Internet Explorer versions 4, 5, and 6.]This site has been tested with Internet Explorer (IE) for Windows (4.0, 5.0, 6.0) and Mac (5.0, 5.2) and works perfectly. A workaround is in place to circumvent a major CSS2 implementation bug on all Windows versions (Mac version OK)

We do NOT claim any level of compatibility with Internet Explorer 3.x, or earlier, browsers, since this is incompatible with the W3C recommended practice of using XHTML with CSS.


[Physical Description|An
 88x31 pixel image with dark grey background bearing the 'N' logo for
 Netscape, with white text 'Tested with:' above and 'Netscape 6.2'
 right and 'for Windows' in small text.][Logical Description|This site
 has been tested with Netscape 6.2 for Windows] This site has been tested with Nescape for both Windows (6.2,7.0,7.1) and Macintosh (6.2) and works perfectly. Compatibility with Mozilla, which also uses the Gecko rendering engine, is taken as an indication of likelihood of compatibility with other versions.

[Physical Description|An
88x31 pixel image with aquamarine background bearing the ship's wheel
logo for Netscape, with white text 'Tested with:' above and 'Netscape
4.7' right and 'for Windows and Linux' in small text.][Logical
Description|This site has been tested with Netscape 4.7 for Windows] We also claim usability, but not perfection, under Netscape 4.x, with the caveat that certain features may be buggy on some sub-versions.

We do NOT claim any level of compatibility with Netscape Navigator 3.x, or earlier, browsers, since this is incompatible with the W3C recommended practice of using XHTML with CSS.


[Physical Description|An 88x31 pixel
 image with the red Godzilla-like Mozilla head to the left, the white
 text 'Tested with:' above and 'Mozilla' in yellow to the right with
 'for Linux' below in white.][Logical Description|Tested with Mozilla
 for Linux] This site has been tested with Mozilla 0.8, 0.9.6, 1.0 and 1.1 for Linux, at different times, and operated perfectly.


 Description|An 88x31 pixel image with a yellow background, a large
 red 'O' to the left with black text 'Tested with:' above and 'Opera
 5' in red and black to the right with 'for Linux' and 'and Windows'
 in an animated sequence below in white on purple.][Logical
 Description|Tested with Opera 5 for Linux and Windows] This site has been tested with Opera as follows:


This site has been tested with Lynx, a text-only browser, on Linux and operates well.


This site is largely illegible, by way of fonts being rendered very small, in Konqueror 2.1.1, the KDE Browser, and suffers layout problems in Amaya, the W3C Browser, due to its apparant lack of support for CSS2 absolute positioning.


 Description|An 438x60 pixel image with black background, a grey
 rotating wireframe tetrahedron in the upper-left corner with
 'NETROGEN' in bold white capitals beside it. The lower right corner
 says 'Internet software consultancy and development' in white on 2
 lines.][Logical Description|Netrogen advertisement banner]

This site was designed, constructed, and coded by Emmet Caulfield. It features a combination of careful CSS and JavaScript authoring for cross-browser compatibility, along with server-side browser detection and compensation implemented in PHP. All graphics produced with The GIMP. Photographs of nebulae and galaxies from the Hubble Space Telescope.

Standards Compliance:

Valid XHTML 1.0 Valid CSS Enhanced with Dublin Core Metadata

Browser Compatibility:

Tested with Opera 5 for Linux and Windows Tested with Microsoft Internet Explorer 4, 5 & 6 Tested with Mozilla 0.8 and 0.9.6 for Linux Tested with Netscape 6.2 for Windows


[Nebulae: Crab | Doradus | Supernova | Orion | Tarantula | Reflection | Ghost Head ]

[Galaxies: Whirlpool ]

[Solid: Black | Navy | Bottle ]

Last modified: 2003-08-11